The # 1 web site for bbq insider secrets.
Let me introduce myself, Hello! my name is Don Reykdal,I’m from

My reason’s for building my Web site is that I’ve had so many friends and relatives wanting my secret bbq recipes and my secret methods for curing meat and fish.
When they came over to my house for a bbq they just couldn’t get enough! and before they’d leave my house they’d want to ask me a bunch of questions on why I got better results with my bbq’s and how did I make my meats or fish taste so mouth watering and finger lapping good? They would say hey! Don you should write a bbq cook book And I’d reply I don’t think I could write a whole book but! I thought about it and said to myself I know I could write a guide on my bbq secrets. Or I could put together a video presentation teaching people how to prepare these mouth watering bbq secrets recipes.
So,I thought OK! if my friends and relatives enjoy my bbq secrets so much, I better get to work and build a web site so I can teach other people around the world my bbq secrets so they in turn can enjoy a mind blowing bbq experience!. Once you learn the bbq secrets and you prepare a dish for your friends and relatives they will enjoy it so much! that they will be begging you!for some of the recipes and to teach them my secret methods. I Guarantee it!
There was a couple who lived across the alley from me I took them over two steaks that I had cured and I gave them my secret instructions on how to bbq these steaks.
Well! you should have heard them the very next day. They were going on and on about how Fantastic these steaks were! Telling me that they have never in their life tasted steaks that were so delicious! they even went as far as to explain how they didn’t want the experience to be over too fast, So… they said that they took little bites to accomplish this. Well! I ask you is that a compliment or what. It sure made me feel good. To hear people tell me this and to see their faces with Big smiles! makes me feel more passionate and then all I want to do is create more bbq dish’s for people to enjoy!.
On a number of occasions some of my Asian friends asked me how I get my meat or fish to taste so Great! Now I consider that a Hugh! compliment because I’ve always felt that Asian people are the “MASTERS” When it came to curing and barbecuing meat. “Now I’m proud to say I rank up there with with the best of them”.
On another occasion My wife (Aiden) and I were running a bbq stand at Gigantic
Garage sale and before we knew it we had a Huge line up!
we had people that even came back at least three times. WOW! it was great… It wasn’t long before we were sold… out! This was a one day event in the town of Gibbons,Alberta,Canada.
It was a lot of fun! not only for my wife and I but! our children had a blast too.